Before the session begins, I will explain how the reading works. Your deceased loved ones come through to my right, angels come from behind, and archangels are usually above my head. They use all of my senses – sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch – to communicate to me.
Angels usually come in to give medical advice – they are very specific with what is causing the medical problem and how to treat the problem. This does not always have to be for the person who is receiving the reading. It can be for their family and friends too.
If I ask you questions during the reading, it is because I am being prompted to ask the questions. I usually do not even know why until the question is answered. This method is not for me get answers; it is a way for spirits to validate their presence.
How to Prepare for a Reading: Stacy’s Tips
• Open Your Mind. It is very important to come to a reading with an open mind. Try to let go of any expectations you may have for the reading. Deceased loved ones will validate their presence in their own way, so keeping an open mind will allow the reading to flow much easier. When someone comes with an expectation of me then they tend to fixate on that one thing and miss the deeper message of the reading.
• Bringing a Friend. If you decide to bring a friend to the reading to observe or provide support, the friend’s deceased loved ones might come through too. This could take away from the time allotted for the individual reading, so please keep this in mind when inviting a friend to the reading.
• Spirits give us what we need, not what we want. Again, keeping an open mind about the reading is really important. Our deceased loved ones come through to give guidance, support, direction and solutions to our problems. That is what we need – to be eased in our path and suffering.
• Drug-free. Please refrain from drinking alcohol and partaking in other drug-use prior to a reading.
• No Children. Please do not bring children under 10 years old unless approved prior to the reading.